Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The process steps of interview

1. Think about what kind of questions that I would like to ask to my interviewee.
2. Divided my questions into different categories, and specified in each areas.
3. Post my questions in the blog.
4. Start to think about the people from which country that I would like to interview them.
5. Focus on finding three people from my ideal country.
6. Start to work for the country background. (Search information online and type my country report)
7. Post my country report in the blog.
8. Make sure that when they are free to be the interviewee for me.
9. Give them the paper of question before the interview so that they can recognize what kind of questions I would like to ask.
10. Meet each of them at the basement of Atwood, and start my interview.
11. I may have some other questions during the time to talk with them, but not that much.
12. Collect the information from my three interviewees, and classified them.
13. Use the information I got to write my interview report.
14. Find some related information online or from the book if necessary.
15. Modify the content of my interview report by myself.
16. Go to write center to modify the form and grammar of my interview report.
17. Post my final interview report in the blog.

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